发布时间:2020-09-29 来源:中国汽车工业协会 作者:admin 浏览次数:
“共识”基于对全球新能源汽车发展现状及趋势的综合研判,汇集了国内外政产学研各界的意见和智慧,将为今后一段时间内世界新能源汽车产业发展提供重要的方向指引。“共识”再次确认了2019年“博鳌共识”提出的“到2035年全球新能源汽车市场份额达到50%”的目标。“共识”认为,应当加强全球合作,共同应对挑战,以更加积极的态度主动拥抱新一轮科技变革。在未来5-10年政策扶持仍将发挥不可或缺的作用,各国政府应创新监管模式,对新技术、新产品、新业态采取审慎包容的原则,而整车企业则要发挥技术创新、产业链培育和市场推广的龙头作用。“共识”指出,安全是新能源汽车健康可持续发展的重要前提,需要持续加强全产业链安全技术研究,制定和执行严格的安全技术标准。同时指出,电动化、智能化、共享化叠期发展亟需汽车与能源、交通、信息通信、城市规划等行业更紧密地跨界协同,共同构建产业新生态。“共识”呼吁,开放合作成为攻坚克难、创新发展的必然选择。汽车行业应积极构建“开放包容、创新引领、互利共赢” 的全球合作新格局,共同培育产业转型升级新动能。2020年9月,全球汽车产业主要相关方再次聚首中国海南,共议汽车产业转型升级与可持续发展,与会各方再次确认了“博鳌共识”提出的“到2035年全球新能源汽车市场份额达到50%”的目标,就加快推动新能源汽车市场化发展达成以下重要共识:一、面对经济下行、新冠疫情等诸多挑战,全球汽车市场正处于深度调整期,得益于各国政府强力推动和产业界不断努力,新能源汽车呈现出逆势增长的良好发展趋势,成为稳定汽车消费、加快产业结构调整的重要力量。与会各方一致认为应当加强全球合作、共同应对挑战,以更加积极的态度主动拥抱新一轮科技变革,更加坚定不移地推进“电动化、智能化、共享化”转型发展,依靠创新化危为机,构建更有竞争力、稳定可持续的全球汽车产业体系。二、全球新能源汽车发展总体上已经迈过培育期进入成长期,但距离完全市场化还有一定距离,在未来5-10年政策扶持仍将发挥不可或缺的作用,应进一步创新政策工具,保持政策的科学性、连续性和稳定性,加大对新型基础设施建设和车辆使用环节的政策支持,尤其需要进一步发挥地方政府作用,加快完善新能源汽车使用环境。各国政府要创新监管模式,对新技术、新产品、新业态采取审慎包容的原则,健全有利于新能源汽车、智能网联、共享出行创新发展的政策法规体系和管理制度。三、企业是新能源汽车市场化发展的主体,产业界应持续加大新能源汽车关键技术研发投入, 与高校、研究机构加强联合,加快推进基础前沿技术研究和成果转化,推动产品技术迭代升级。整车企业要发挥技术创新、产业链培育和市场推广的龙头作用,进一步扩大公共领域应用,推进私人消费,拓展乡村等新兴市场,满足多元化市场需求。通过技术进步和规模效应,力争到2025年前后纯电动汽车基本具备完全市场化条件。四、安全是新能源汽车健康可持续发展的重要前提,当前新能源汽车安全问题较为突出,但总体可防可控。提升新能源汽车安全性是一项系统工程,需要持续加强全产业链安全技术研究,从设计、制造、使用、维护保养、回收利用全生命周期建立“本体安全、主动安全、被动安全、过程安全”的防控体系,加强软件远程更新(OTA)和大数据技术应用,制定和执行严格的安全技术标准,开展全产业链的质量提升行动,为消费者提供安全可靠的产品和出行体验。五、电动化、智能化、共享化叠期发展,加速融合,产业链不断拓展,亟需汽车与能源、交通、信息通信、城市规划等行业更紧密地跨界协同,共同构建产业新生态。汽车行业将积极加强可再生能源与V2G技术应用,推动构建“绿色、智能”的新型能源体系;加快人工智能、大数据和新一代信息通信技术的应用,拓展智能网联汽车的商业化应用场景,扩大共享出行服务规模,推动与智能交通系统和智慧城市的融合发展。六、经济与社会的可持续发展迫切要求汽车产业转型升级,新一轮科技革命催生产业变革与重塑,百年汽车产业正面临着前所未有的发展机遇与挑战,开放合作成为攻坚克难、创新发展的必然选择。汽车产业需要进一步创新合作模式、拓宽合作领域、提升合作水平,深化在政策法规协调、科技创新、市场培育、产业协作等领域的全球合作,积极构建“开放包容、创新引领、互利共赢” 的全球合作新格局,共同培育产业转型升级新动能。
The Consensus of WNEVC 2020On September 29, the major stakeholders of the global automotive industry once again gather in Hainan, China, to discuss the evolution and revolution of automotive industry and the sustainable development of the industry. The participants reaffirmed the goal of the Boao Declaration, aiming for NEVs to account for 50% of the global market by 2035; and reached the following important consensus on accelerating the market-oriented development of NEVs.I. Facing various challenges such as economic downturn and the COVID-19 pandemic, the global automotive market is in a period of deep adjustment. Benefit by the strong promotion by governments and the continuous endeavors of the industry, NEVs have not only shown a positive trend of growth against downward pressure, but also become an important force in stabilizing the automotive market and accelerating the restructuring of the industry. The meeting concluded that the automotive industry should strengthen global collaboration, respond to challenges collectively, embrace the new round of technological revolutions with proactive approaches, and promote the transformation and development of the industry towards “electrification, intelligence and shared mobility” with greater determination. Relying on innovations, the automotive industry could turn crises into opportunities and build a competitive, stable and sustainable global industry system.II. The overall development of global NEVs has passed the incubation period and entered the stage of growth, but there is still certain distance to go before fully realizing commercialization; therefore policy support will continue to play an essential role in the next 5-10 years. It is important to develop policy tools with innovation, maintain consistent and stable policies, increase policy support for new infrastructure construction and NEV applications, and leverage the role of local governments to improve the NEV deployment environment. Governments around the world should innovate regulatory models, adopt a prudent and inclusive approach to new technologies, new products and new businesses, and create a conducive policy environment, regulations and management systems to foster the innovative development of NEVs, intelligent connectivity, and shared mobility.III. Enterprises are the foundation of the market-oriented development of NEVs. The industry should increase R&D investment in key technologies, strengthen cooperation with universities and research institutions, accelerate basic research on cutting-edge technologies and the commercialization of R&D results, and promote product iteration and upgrading. Automotive OEMs should not only play a leading role in technological innovations, industry chain development and market promotion, but also expand the NEV applications in the public sector, promote the private ownership of NEVs, and extend the NEV sales in emerging markets such as rural areas to meet diversified market requirements. Through technological advancement and economies of scale, battery electric vehicles are striving to meet the overall requirements of commercialization by 2025.IV. Safety is a prerequisite for the healthy and sustainable development of NEVs. Current NEV safety is a relatively prominent issue, but overall it’s preventable and controllable. Enhancing NEV safety is a systematic project, which requires continuous research to strength safety technologies across the entire industry value chain from product design and manufacturing to use, maintenance and recycling. It’s important to establish an "intrinsic safety, active safety, passive safety, and process safety" prevention and control system in the product life cycle, strengthen the applications of software over-the-air updates (OTA) and big data, implement stricter safety standards, and improve overall product quality to provide consumers with safe and reliable products and mobility experience.V. The converged development of electrification, intelligence and shared mobility has accelerated the integration and expansion of the automotive value chain. There are urgent needs for closer cross-sector collaboration between the automotive industry and related sectors such as energy, transportation, information and communication, and urban planning to jointly build a new industrial ecosystem. The industry should actively support renewable energies, strengthen V2G applications, and promote "green and smart" energy systems. In addition, it needs to accelerate the applications of artificial intelligence, big data and the next generation information and communication technologies, expand the application scenarios of intelligent connected vehicles, scale up shared mobility, and promote the integrated development of intelligent transportation systems and smart cities.VI. For the sustainable development of the economy and society, there is urgent requirement for the automotive industry in its transformation and upgrading. The new round of technological revolution is accelerating such transformation and reshaping automobiles. The century-old automotive industry is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges, and openness and partnership is an inevitable choice to overcome obstacles and create innovations. There are needs to develop new partnership models, broaden and enhance cooperation, and deepen international collaboration in areas such as policies and regulations, technological innovations, market development and industrial collaboration. Together, we could build a new pattern of global cooperation characterized by openness, inclusiveness and innovation for mutual success, and create new momentum for the transformation and upgrading of the automotive industry.